Statistics reveal that PBSAs are a great option today especially when there are 750,000 Indian students heading abroad. The five top destinations are the US, UK, Australia, Canada, and UAE. Providers for student accommodation like CRM Students are of the view - "PBSAs are gaining acclaim and have been an international phenomenon, and are soon becoming an unwrapped possibility of luxurious living." Here are the benefits of living in a PBSA student housing system. Proximity with Access to almost anywhere Yes this is what makes PBSA a great student housing program. The strategic location that it has, makes it close to university campuses, local shops, grocery stores, libraries, and the city attractions to visit. Even if things are not close by, public transport is nowhere to be missed. There is great access to city buses, trains, and cabs.

Varied Types of Rooms Another reason why it is great to live in PBSA is because, unlike paying guest or homestay options, students have the choice of living in four types of accommodations - En-suite, studio, shared and apartment style student room. All Bills Included When it is about saving on the rent of the accommodation, then it would not be wrong to mention that PBSAs offer all inclusive billing where the utility bills are included in the rent. No additional cost is paid for the onsite amenities as well.

Students can, therefore, enjoy the luxury of PBSAs, even when on budget. This type of student housing is now available everywhere in all cities, whether India or Abroad. University Living is one such website offering virtual listing of PBSA accommodation.